Puppy & Kitten Care

We provide puppy or kitten visits to break up time precious pups or kittens spend alone, assist with toilet training and to play games. have been DBS police checked. Your puppies (or kittens) are in safe hands - we are fully insured and Once your puppy is fully vaccinated, very short dog walks are slowly introduced. We work alongside you in lead training and socialisation.

We can update you by text or pictues/video's via whatsapp so you don’t need to worry about your little ones whilst they are in our care.

Please contact us if it's something you'd like to consider. Puppy care is a pet sitters dream! We want to help you give them the best start in life.

Fees: £21 per hour (up to 4 pups) then £3 per additional pup (or kitten)

Holiday Pet Sitting - prices charged at a discounted rate of Overnight Pet Sitting - please message for details and we'll get you a discounted price. Use the Contact form or call/message/whatsapp us on: 0734 092 4031

Elderly or infirm pets

Elderly or infirm pets who may need special care, toilet breaks, or medication are well suited to care provided by pet visits. If your dog can only manage 5-10mins of exercise, we are very happy to accommodate this in a pet visit. Once again, we can update you by text after we have visited so that you can have peace of mind.

Rescue Dogs

Rescue Dogs who have previously been in kennel environments, or who have anxiety or behavioral issues are particularly suited to pet-sitting visits.

Often a strong bond can be developed between myself and your pet so that there is a minimum of upset or anxiety caused by your absence.

Pet sitting visits have enabled some of my clients with Rescue dogs to take holidays they never previously thought possible!

short-coated gray puppies with baby mobile
short-coated gray puppies with baby mobile
black and white border collie on green grass field during daytime
black and white border collie on green grass field during daytime